
2025 Winter / Spring Legal Intern

Center for Disability & Elder Law

Hybrid Legal Intern

The Center for Disability & Elder Law (CDEL) hosts Legal Interns each academic year and during summer months. For Spring 2025, the Legal Intern will participate in what is expected to be a primarily hybrid internship opportunity, which will include remote work and in-person work; however, CDEL will consider students who wish to work exclusively remotely. CDEL will provide training and supervision for the student. Applicants should be a second or third year law student. On occasion, we do consider outstanding first year law students. Opportunities to participate may include participation in CDEL community clinics, workshops and help desks.

The Legal Internship is unpaid. However, in addition to working with law schools offering externship credit, there may be funding options available for CDEL Legal Interns through law schools or outside agencies. CDEL will work with students and their advisors in setting up the internship.

Interns will be responsible for managing expansive cases and a client case load under supervision. One of the strengths of the program is the amount and degree of candidate and client interaction and interns who are particularly interested in this aspect are encouraged to apply. Interns participate in all aspects of client files, including screening, intake, document review and full direct representation. The student will gain experience in the following practice areas and develop the stated skills:

Practice Areas

Estate planning




Family Law


Interviewing candidates for service

Document review

Direct legal assistance (under supervision)

Litigation (under supervision)

Students interested in Elder Law, Disability Law, Estate Planning, Housing Law and Public Interest are especially encouraged to apply. As many CDEL clients have intersecting identities and some have limited English proficiency, interns who are bi-lingual or multi-lingual are also strongly encouraged to apply.

CDEL is an equal opportunity employer and a welcoming community that engages, encourages and empowers those who are members of underrepresented communities. CDEL is a dedicated advocate for our clients who hold many diverse identities and experiences across race, color, sex, age, religion, class, disability, national origin, ancestry, sexual orientation, marital status, parental status, military discharge, source of income, housing status and gender identity. We believe that these communities must be centered in the work we do. Hence, we strongly encourage applications from people with these identities or who are members of other marginalized and underrepresented communities to apply for this position.

To apply for this job please visit disability.bamboohr.com.

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